^The Gold Bracelet
So, as you may or may not know, it is my immediate goal to accumulate wealth. So in the past month, I've been selling loads of stuff I've been hoarding in my room on eBay, which has been brilliant, to be put simply. If you want to buy from me, feel free... heh heh heh...
^ Top left antique silver, top right bronze, bottom left gold, bottom right chrome.
Yesterday I finally decided to buy these wraparound Dragon Claw bracelets that I've had my eye on for a while. I don't know why but I just really like the look of them. My Mama took one look and said 'Ohh nooo, that's HORRIBLE.' (-sigh- ... Thank You, Mother e_e ) Anyway, as it was an auction listing constantly renewed, being at home and at a computer to bid on it wasn't possible for weeks. Then yesterday, I saw two bids ending and suddenly thought, 'Hey, I can bid on them! DO IT DO IT DO IT' - so I bid on both the gold and bronze bracelets and to my total surprise I actually won them both! It was my first time ever bidding on eBay, and I was pretty damn chuffed.
^ From left to right: bronze bracelet, bronze bracelet, silver bracelet.
I bought them from jolinfashionjewel on eBay. They're coming from China so I've got to wait about two weeks for them, but I don't care. I'm beyond happy. So happy, I may even give the gold one to my luvly luvly Lizard as a present. In truth, I prefer the bronze one anyway and only bid on gold in case I didn't get it - but I think Liz would like gold. I adore Liz, haven't seen the girl in ages. Hey, the bracelet can be interest for the Christmas present that I have for her still sitting in my room. Ha, that'll make her laugh.
So, since then I've had the guilty thought of also buying the silver bracelet AND the dragon claw rings... plus there's this cute set of 8 rings that I want with positive words on them like Hope, Love, Peace and so on... but seeing as I currently have £0.19 in my current account, it might be more sensible to wait.
With Love,
Star xx